Á¦¸ñ SteviaFarms Launches Six NewStevia Beverages
ÀÛ¼ºÀÏÀÚ 2021-07-26

The world is going through a stevia boom.

With the introduction of ¡°sugar tax policies,¡± aimed to reduce the multiple diseases related to sugar consumption, the global food & beverage market is drastically changing. Instead of using the traditional sugar we are used to, a natural sweetener called ¡°stevia¡± is starting settle down as the market¡¯s new substitute key ingredient in many products.
Stevia is a perennial asteraceae plant natural to the South American continent. It is a natural sweetener often remarked to be 250~300 times sweeter than sugar. Despite its sweetness, it has close to zero calories and does not affect the blood sugar levels of the human body when consumed. Due to such reasons, it is quickly becoming recognized as a substitute to sugar around the globe. Just in 2017, the stevia market was growing annually at about 8%. Fast forward to 2021, the number is estimated to be above 12 with experts voicing that the market¡¯s annual growth level is only forecasted to increase in the foreseeable future.
Since October of 2017, Mr. Song, the CEO of SteviaFarms, has been on a mission to lead the stevia market. After going through due adequate preparation stages (e.g., market analysis, culturing environment optimalization, and etc.), Mr. Song founded SteviaFarms in May of 2018 with approximately 200,000 USD of share capital. In September of 2019, the capital was increased to approximately 950,000 USD as the company expanded its business areas to international trade, manufacturing, oversea cultivation, and food distribution.

The WHO, FDA, and EMA have already approved stevia as a safe sugar substitute. The most well understood benefits of stevia is its ability to maintain its sweetness while having zero calories and zero effects on the blood sugar levels of the human body. Naturally, it is highly effective in battling diabetes. Some of the less well-known effects of stevia include the following: strengthening immunity, liver functions, skin and vacular health; preventing cavities, obesity, osteoporosis. and heart diseases.
After comparing over 170 stevia breeds around the world, SteviaFarms decided to use NewStevia, a newer stevia breed renowned to be sweeter and richer in nutrients than other breeds. Subsequently, the company acquired culturing rights in seven Southeast Asian nations and searched for optimal cultivation sites where test cultures immediately took place.
SteviaFarms is currently culturing stevia in Indonesia, Philippines, Cambodia, and Vietnam where they operate culturing sites larger than 167 acres. By doing so, the company¡¯s presence grew within these regions. More noticeably in Indonesia where the company was given the exclusive rights to stevia cultivation after the Indonesian Minister of Agriculture personally invited SteviaFarm representatives to the country.
With their company owned cultivation sites proving to be stable suppliers of raw materials, SteviaFarms is focused on reaching Korean and global consumers through various stevia-based products, with the first of their products being their recently launched six stevia beverages.
SteviaFarms beverage lineup is composed of two nano-calcium beverages and four beverages focused on satisfying consumer demands for beauty, aloe, ginseng, and sports drinks. The nano-calcium drinks were created through an MOU with a company called Apexel—the first company permitted by the Korean Ministry of Food and Drug Safety to use the phrase ¡°unable to be copied¡± in marketing campaigns. Through such a partnership, SteviaFarms was able to create a high nano-calcium drink with 180mg per bottle.
In March of 2021, SteviaFarms launched six sugar free stevia drinks and received enthusiastic reponses from consumers and secured stable distributors. In return, the company upgraded the taste and design of its beverage products and completed their first full-scale manufacturing process. Moreover, the company is planning to sequentially expand its product mix to include stevia dried leaves, tea bags, powder, concentrates and so on.

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