CEO Message

Four years has already passed since my team and I began making business trips in and out of
Southeast Asia. While operating in Southeast Asia, we unexpectedly came across a unique plant called
¡°stevia¡± that immediately intrigued our attention.
After conducting an adequate amount of market research,
we noticed that the stevia market was growing at a CAGR of 8%; moreover,
that the market¡¯s growth was largely being fueled by global food & beverage
companies such as Coca-Cola, Pepsi, and Cargill.

With consumer preferences for low-sugar and wellbeing products rising around the globe,
we were confident that stevia would quickly substitute sugar as a healthy alternative. As so,
we decided to begin our stevia business.

At times, we were faced with obstacles that seemed overwhelmingly high.
But remembering this famous quote from Woojoong Kim (the former Chairman of Daewoo Group):
¡°the world is large and there is much to be done,¡± we overcame our obstacles by believing
that we were on a mission to supply humanity with healthier lifestyles.

As of today, we are aggressively cultivating
stevia in various cultivation sites dispersed throughout the ASEAN region.
With a safe supply source in hand, we launched six stevia
beverage products in the South Korean market in March of 2021.
In June of the same year, all six products received FDA approvals.
We plan to leverage our first success and continue to develop
stevia products that could shift the paradigm of the stevia market as we know it.
In addition, we plan to prove that we are a brand dedicated to delivering a truly
¡°sweet but healthy¡± flavor to the average consumers.

We promise to supply products with the absolute best qualities
and fight to contribute to the happiness and the wellbeing of everybody around the world.

Junghoon Song
Chief Executive Officer

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