Á¦¸ñ The Innovation of the Sugar Free Beverage Market: SteviaFarms, Delivering a Sweet but Healthy Taste
ÀÛ¼ºÀÏÀÚ 2021-07-26

¡®Powerful SME of Korea¡¯ efforts to contribute to the economic growth of the most innovative SMEs of South Korea. By electing and introducing SMEs with the most outstanding product qualities, we hope to expedite the time it takes for Korean SMEs to reach both

 The world is under a stevia craze

Stevia substitutes sugar.

A sweet flavor that is, at the same time, good for your health.



The sugar market is currently undergoing a major change as stevia, a plant that serves as a natural sweetener, is more noticeably substituting sugar as the key ingredient of many beverage products. It is no surprise that in the recent years, global food & beverage companies (e.g., Coca-Cola, Pepsi, and Cargil) have more quickly become the key market players of the stevia market. Such a drastic market change is largely due to the major health-related benefits associated with stevia consumption. In the case sugar, when consumed, the human body becomes more susceptible to risks of diseases such as diabetes, obesity, cancer, cavity, and so on. Regardless, the sweet flavor sugar is able to produce was something the average consumers and global food & beverage companies could not afford to give up.

However, more and more companies are now drifting away from staying reliant on sugar to sweeten their products. Instead, they have turned to stevia, a perennial asteraceae plant natural to the South American continent that is known to be approximately 250~300 times sweeter than sugar with almost zero calories. As the plant is not an artificial sweeter by any means, it also has zero impact on its consumer¡¯s blood sugar level. Due to its ability to be a healthy alternative to sugar, the decision to use it as a key ingredient is nearly irresistible in the perspectives of many companies.  

All in all, stevia is the perfect solution for any average consumer that wants to enjoy sweet flavors of their favorite food and beverage products while not having to be concerned about his health. It is already replacing sugar in many food & beverage, medicinal, and makeup products for the multiple health-related benefits it carries. According to expert opinions, the speed at which stevia substitutes sugar is only going to accelerate in the foreseeable future. 


Source: Cheonji Daily (http://www.newscj.com)





The Market Changer, Stevia. What are the Benefits? 


There is a Korean SME that has noticed this trend quicker than anywhere else: SteviaFarms Co., Ltd. (CEO: Junghoon Song). After noticing the potential of the stevia market, Mr. Songalong with Vice President Jaemin Yoo and Managing Director Eunchae Leehave diligently gone through the due preparation stages of starting a proper stevia company. From October of 2017, the three founding members of SteviaFarms conducted numerous market researches and located multiple potential cultivation sites internationally. Sequentially, the three founded SteviaFarms in May of 2018 with a share capital of 200,000 USD. In September of 2019, the share capital rose to 950,000 USD as the company expanded its business area to international trade, manufacturing, logistics, and international cultivation.

The WHO, FDA, and EMA have already approved stevia as a safe sugar substitute. The most well understood benefits of stevia is its ability to maintain its sweetness while having zero calories and zero effects on the blood sugar levels of the human body. Naturally, it is highly effective in battling diabetes. Some of the less well-known effects of stevia include the following: strengthening immunity, liver functions, skin and vascular health; preventing cavities, obesity, osteoporosis. and heart diseases.





¡ß Cultivating on 1633 Acre Sites in Four Different Southeast Asian Nations 

As former energy business consultant colleagues, Junghoon Song (CEO of SteviaFarms), Jaemin Yoo (Vice President), and Eunchae Lee (Managing Director of SteviaFarms) have long built and maintained a trusted relationship with each other. Through their countless business trips to the Southeast Asian region, they coincidentally came across a plant called stevia. After conducting a research on the stevia market, the three realized the amount of potential the stevia market held and decided to start SteviaFarms.

After comparing over 170 stevia breeds around the world, SteviaFarms decided to use NewStevia, a newer stevia breed renowned to be sweeter and richer in nutrients than other breeds. Sequentially, the three acquired exclusive cultivation rights in seven Southeast Asian countries, looked for optimal cultivation sites, and immediately started trial cultivations


Currnetly, SteviaFarms operates four 163-acre stevia cultivation sites in Indonesia, Philippines, Cambodia, and Vietnam. Their presence in the market is slowly growing, more noticeably in Indoneisa where the company was given the exclusive rights to stevia cultivation after the Indonesian Minister of Agriculture personally invited SteviaFarm representatives to the country

Source: Chunji news(http://www.newscj.com)






A Natural, Family-friendly Sugar Free Drink

With their company owned cultivation sites proving to be stable suppliers of raw materials, SteviaFarms is focused on reaching Korean and global consumers through various stevia-based products; with the first of their products being their recently launched six stevia beverages. All of these beverages fully relied on NewStevia to produce their refreshing and sweet flavor. It can be seen as an innovative breakthrough in the beverage market.

SteviaFarms¡¯ beverage lineup is composed of two nano-calcium beverages and four beverages focused on satisfying consumer demands for beauty, aloe, ginseng, and sports drinks. The nano-calcium drinks were created through an MOU with a company called Apexelthe first company permitted by the Korean Ministry of Food and Drug Safety to use the phrase ¡°unable to be copied¡± in marketing campaigns. Through such a partnership, SteviaFarms was able to create a high nano-calcium drink with 180mg nano-calcium per bottle.

Since their launching, SteviaFarms¡¯ beverage products have successfully grabbed the attention of several Korean and international distributors. Despite so, SteviaFarms has stayed rather calm and continues to humbly collect consumer feedbacks to improve their products before their official launching. Apparently, as many consumer feedbacks to claim, any average consumer can taste how natural SteviaFarms¡¯ beverages is relative to other competing drinks in the market with artificial flavoring.

Currently, SteviaFarms is planning to expand its product mix to include stevia dried leaves, tea bags, powder, concentrates and so on.

Source: Chunji Ilbo (http://www.newscj.com)




¡°A Patriotic Business with the Potential to Promote South Korea¡± 


During the interview, Junghoon Song (the current CEO and founder of SteviaFarms Co., Ltd.) claimed that it is his mission to expand his company-owned cultivation sites to the size of approximately 1 million pyeong (roughly 817 acres) by the end of this year. He also added that by the end of 2025, that number is targeted to be anywhere around 22 million pyeong (roughly 17,971 acres). ¡°We have already secured enough space around the globe to reach our goal, we just need to mass produce stevia and contribute to supplying a healthy lifestyle to everyone around the world. Not only so, it is also our mission to create true values and stable jobs around the globe along the way.¡± 

Mr. Song continued, ¡°With the success of our beverage products, we plan to hire more employees and move our office to a more fitting environment. Of course, I cannot say that we are at the best we can be right now, but I can confidently say that our employees will soon be able to work in a company where they can feel an immense amount of pride in.¡± 

He also added, ¡°We started this business with just a passion for stevia. Along the way, we faced countless amounts of obstacles and difficulties, yet how far we have come is simply miraculous. Especially in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have remained true to our mission and have never once doubted the potential stevia has in impacting the world. This is all thanks to the founding members of this company who have long endured the difficulties of starting and building this business. The intensive amount of trust we have for each other and the courage we have developed over years of endless business trips to rural regions of various countries is the core strength of this organization.¡±  

¡°While we have come a long way, there is simply more to go. There is so much to be done to supply the world with a healthy lifestyle; and we are expecting more obstacles on the way. However, we will try our best to stay oncourse and achieve our goal as we believe that this is truly a business model that can promote Korea internationally.¡± 

The future of SteviaFarms, as they battle to promote Korea in the global market and supply it with a healthy lifestyle, is truly anticipating. 

Source: Chunji Ilbo (http://www.newscj.com)














[Review] SteviaFarms has the exclusive cultivation rights to NewSteviaa newer and more powerful breed of steviain seven different countries. Also, they are an innovative company that has received both the ISO9001 and ISO14001 certifications. Stevia is a natural sugar substitute that has recently been getting worldwide attention as more and more global food & beverage companies are beginning to use it as a sugar substitute.  


Global food & beverage companies (e.g., Coca-Cola, Pepsi, and Cargil) are quickly substituting sugar with stevia. This is largely due to the health-related benefits stevia consumption has over sugar. When consumed, sugar brings upon its consumer the risk of obesity, diabetes, vascular diseases, and etc. In comparison, when consumed, stevia improves immunity and skin health; prevents obesity, diabetes, cavities, aging, and etc. With such benefits, not just companies, but average households are starting to substitute sugar with stevia. SteviaFarms¡¯ NewStevia smells much less like a plant while being twice as sweet as a regular breed.

In addition, it is comparatively richer in nutrients beneficial to the human body like linolenic acid, beta-carotene, and polyphenol. As the stevia market is growing at a CAGR of 8.5%, the future of SteviaFarms, with their ability to cultivate stevia in some 7,400ha site around the globe, is truly anticipating.














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